This page will be a summary of all medium-big size projects I did or I’m doing or even I plan to do.
It will just be an index which will contain links to single entries where more details of each project are given.
Date: May 2014
Aim: Autonomous robot
Description: Robot designed to fight against other robots, able to see and push them out of the ring.
Programming language: Embedded C
Current status: Finished.
Home Media Center
Date: May 2014
Aim: Play music and control it from other devices.
Description: Play all music you want located anywhere in the network (sharing folders) and control it using another device (smartphones, tablets, laptops).
Programming language: PHP, Python, Shell Script
Current status: Finished.
Link: and
Pictures located in the Wiki
Windows 8 Reversi
Date: March 2013
Aim: Use Alfa-beta algorithm.
Description: This is just an implementation or Reversi game. I already did this game in University (only the Alfa-beta algorithm actually) and I wanted to apply this algorithm in real life application and release it.
Programming language: C#
Current status: Finished. Published on the Windows Store, available freely for download.
Windows 8 Twitter client
Date: February 2013
Aim: Use and learn about C# more deep and learn about external libraries and how to use them.
Description: This program is just a Twitter client for Windows 8 (metro style). The user can do many things that also can do using the browser, but additionally it is possible to write multiple tweets and hide some tweets.
Programming language: C#
Current status: Dropped. Not accepted by Microsoft Store because some performing problems, but it works actually…
Twitter Fingerprinting tool
Date: February 2012
Aim: Analyze single twitter accounts.
Description: This tool perform a deep search and further analysis of retrieved data in order to sort it and show it friendly to the user. Fingerprinting is one of the first steps when some research above something or someone is wanted to be done.
Programming language: PHP (+Javascript)
Current status: Deprecated. Twitter API changed and now authentication must be done before calling the API.
No media.